Normally a great month for repotting but this March we have had high winds and not one but two lots of snow. Thankfully we still managed to get out and help a client repot a few of their trees and advice on the others.
The client owns an incredible Hornbeam which I have seen twice now but both times have been in the winter.
I can’t wait to see it again but in full bloom.
We held a couple of one-to-one classes that were very successful. Everyone had a great time learning about choosing a pot, root pruning, repotting and wiring. More classes will be available soon so please ask for more information and repotting sessions will continue through to the middle of April.
We’ve continued to improve the display area by adding more benches and side covering. Moving forward a roof will be added hopefully later this year so we can potter about all year round.
Hopefully your trees are now showing signs of life. If you haven’t repotted them or don’t plan to then you can start to fertilise them with a weak fertiliser. Do not fertilise flowering trees until a couple of weeks after the flowers have fallen. Fertilising now will stop the fruit from forming.
By the middle of April it is best to stop repotting for Deciduous trees and the end of the month for Evergreens. Moving forward only repot a tree if it is absolutely essential to the trees health but use caution.
Other tasks undertaken in April:
- Air layering of Junipers and Pines.
- Take hardwood cuttings of Junipers and Spruce